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an airplane is a form of transportation that has changed people's lives. thanks to theplane, our lives are now faster, more exciting, and more convenient that before.

you cannot deny that a plane is fast. for example, the concorde flies at supersonic speed.a businessman can leave paris at 11 a.m. in the morning and arrive in new york at 8 a.m. thesame morning in time for a day's work. many business people in europe will fly to london for anoon morning in time for a day's work. many business people in europe will fly to london for anoon meeting and then return home to rome or madrid for dinner.

it is always exciting to take a plane trip. when you take a trip by plane, you know that youmight cross many time zones, many oceans, and many countries. when you get off the plane,you could be in a place that speaks a different language. a plane is like a magician's trick. youget in a box and you come out somewhere totally different.

nothing can beat the convenience of a plane. in the old days, it might take you days todo what the plane can do it an hour. boats, for example, only leave on certain days of theweek and take a long time to get to their destination. planes give you the option to leaveseveral times a day and get you to your destination quickly.

although other forms of transportation may be more comfortable, none has changed theway we do business and live our lives more than the plane. thanks to the speed, excitement,and convenience of the planes, our lives are richer.








every day on the street, there are a lot of people and vehicles on the street. people must be careful when walking on the street. it takes a long time to cross the road and look around. when i go to the street every day, my mind is very nervous, and i pay a lot of attention to safety.

what if we could fly like birds! in the future, we should be walking in the sky. avoid pollution and see the beauty of the world.

it is impossible for us to grow wings, so how can we walk leisurely in the sky? that is to build a series of continuous sky bridges in the sky.

in the future, our house should be an overall plan, and it must be built indestructible. then connect the roofs of each building with sky bridges. high barriers must be built on both sides. in this way, the path in the air is complete. the road in the sky can only be used for walking, so a pedestrian street in the sky is formed. we then transported the soil to the roof and built a series of gardens and orchards.

if we go to the street, we can drive on the ground or walk on the pedestrian street in the sky. if we reach the place, we can go down through the skylight on the roof. if we are tired from study and work, we can play freely like birds on the pedestrian street in the sky, sing freely, and stay away from all pollution and all traffic hazards.

how i hope this day in the future will come sooner.







in the 23rd century, i visited a small island. this small island has the latest research results of scientists: the best transportation in the world!

on this small island that covers an area of less than 100 hectares, you don’t have to worry about traffic jams, you don’t have to worry about the car breaking down halfway, and you don’t have to worry about going far away without a car, because it has advanced science and technology!

if there is a traffic jam in the 21st century! then your mood must be particularly bad, but what can be done? i had to follow the car ahead little by little in the car. but dont worry about it now, because there are roads in the sky and in the sea! you can fly to the sky by stomping your left foot. you can see clouds, birds...that feels better than airplanes! if you dont like the sky, stomping your right foot will return to the ground, and stomping you can go directly to the road in the sea. you can see seahorses, small fishes... if you are lucky, you can also see whales!

if the car breaks down halfway, just say: "i need help", and someone from the car will help you repair the car, and its free! just say "thank you" after finishing the repair!

if you don’t have a car, but you have to go far away, don’t worry! you just have to say to ma lu: "i need to go to ×××" and ma lu will go there by himself, which is pretty fast! "niuniu, get up"! mothers voice echoed in my ears! ah, it turned out to be a dream!




when going out to work, people are most afraid of traffic jams, especially people who are motion sickness like me. i once encountered a traffic jam for more than two hours. at that time, i thought that the future transportation must not be like this. the future transportation must be more advanced, more comfortable and faster. the car of the future is very powerful. when encountering a roadblock, it can spread its wings and fly over. in this way, there will be no traffic jams. people sitting in the car of the future can choose their favorite music and play games at will, and arrive at their destination without knowing it. the trains and cars in the future will be faster, and i will travel from hubei to fujian after listening to two songs.

the road in the future is not like the present one, only black and white. people use paving materials of various colors to separate various lanes, and the roads on the ground look like beautiful ribbons from the air.


talking about the future, for it, i am full of curiosity, also for the future of transportation is full of fantasy.

the future of transportation materials in my heart a soft, comfortable, function is complete. you see, before its a touch screen, as long as you input your destination, it can automatically open to, dont need a man to drive. when you sit in the car, it can accompany you to chat, play qq games, listening to music, telling stories, playing fishing enthusiasts. when driving on the road, if the roads are blocked, it will start the flight mode, first grow propeller on the roof, then the door into the wings, the tire retract, can soar like an eagle in the sky. when you came to the lake to look at the beautiful scenery in the lake, you dont have to be in the ship, you can press the start water model, the tire will get car, chassis will open the bag, the car will be like a horse horse made of steel, in the water. at that time, you can enjoy the scenery of the lake.

ah! how i want the future traffic into reality, so i must study hard and master the scientific knowledge, use my wisdom to turn it into true.





the bicycle is the most common means of transport in our country. there are several reasons for that. first, most people are not rich enough to buy a car. since the bicycle is not expensive, it is affordable by the average chinese families. second, china has a large population and the traffic is heavy. the bicycle has the advantage of being small in size. a road which can only allow two cars to pass may allow more than ten bicycles to run side by side. finally, people enjoy riding a bicycle to school, to work and on outing. it is so pleasant and the exercise is good for people’s health.

compared with a car, a bicycle has its disadvantages and advantages. for instance, a bicycle is not fit for a long distance trip. a person who sits all day long in a car might get fat and unhealthy, while a person on a bicycle may gain good health and pleasure.

the bicycle is popular in china and it will remain so for a long time to come. many things must change before cars became common in china. therefore, in the foreseeable future, the bicycle will still be welcome.

















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